Coffee Stein

The box shows that the stein will keep items hot for only an hour. This is the fourth day of using the stein, and it has kept my coffee hot for more than three hours, just when I need to get a refill. I have other steins brought from Europe during my tours there. They keep beer cold, but not coffee hot. Thank you for providing this stein for all us coffee drinkers.
Added this to my order to get free shipping and honestly, the value has turned out to be fantastic. Kept my cold brew cold for over an hour and very comfortable to hold with good quality on the handle. Easy recommend
It was bigger than I expected, good not just for coffee but beer as well. Would be nice if there was a version that had a lid to it; but all in all this one is pretty sweet!
This thing is super nice. I have a bad habit of knocking over and spilling glasses and mugs that I keep on the coffee table, and this has an extra wide base which makes it sturdy. I actually use it more for cold drinks than hot, and even without a lid it keeps it cold for hours!
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